Wednesday, November 5, 2008

size does matter

I don't want to talk about the election. It is what it is. Congratulations Obama. Moving on.

What I do want to talk about is ketchup packets. 

Why are they so freaking small? Seriously, does anyone ever use just one? When you go through Grab 'n' Go at Nelson and ask for ketchup, you require more like fifteen packets to complement your lunch. Having tiny packs does not save space, because you just have to get more of them. It does not save time, because you just have to rip open that many more. If they were bigger, it would save on time and the material that they are made of.  Plus, then I wouldn't have to write pointless blog posts about ketchup when America just elected its first African American president. 

Friday, October 31, 2008

Well, I was enchanted.

I was not expecting to enjoy the movie Enchanted. I thought it would just be another movie that my mom would enjoy and recommend to me, and that was it. I was expecting a movie directed toward kids who wanted to pretend that their tastes were grown-up, with McDreamy thrown in to appease the female crowd. 

What I expected was not what I got. When I looked past the top layer of the story, I found a witty tale that was subtly able to poke fun at itself. A lesson that every child learns at a young age is that if you can laugh at yourself, other people join in with no malicious intent. I found myself laughing out loud several times when Disney emphasized the classic points that make up a fairy tale with a comical slant. Some of my favorites were when Giselle first met Edward and they decided to marry the following morning and when McDreamy dryly commented about other characters happening to know the spontaneous song performed in the street. 

This movie also helped me to take a closer look at how Disney movies affected me throughout my younger years. Most specifically, Disney taught me that no matter what situation I'm in, even if I'm on my death bed -which may or may not have been constructed for me my dwarves- all I have to do is find the right boy to kiss and all my problems are solved. Awesome. Thanks, Disney.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Nobody needs two first names.

It amazes me how fascinated I am by other people's lives.

I spent half an hour tonight, like I do every Monday night at ten, getting wrapped up in the lives of a group of friends that live in LA. Or more specifically, The Hills. I found myself empathizing with a boy that Audrina broke up with, feeling irritation toward Spencer for how he treated Stephanie's new boyfriend, and making predictions about Lauren and Brody's relationship. I engaged in a debate about Lo Bosworth's positive and negative qualities like I knew her personally. I gasped out loud (twice) when I saw the teasers for next week's episode- and I was not alone in doing so. What makes their lives so interesting that I will spend half an hour of mine just observing? I don't know, but what I do know is that Audrina needs to get her stuff together.

I mean, really. Justin Bobby? Bad choice.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

educated voting. ha.

This clip is from the Howard Stern show on October 1st. 

I mean, really? How sad is this? It's funny until you realize that these people are picking the next leader of the Free World. 

Monday, October 20, 2008

not pretty.

Let's talk about this.

OU's campus is beautiful.

The pond over by Walter? Not pretty. It's dirty.

Someone fix it, please.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

girls just wanna have fun

...and also avoid the Freshman 15, myth or not.

As a college girl, I'm somewhat concerned about my physical activity. Not because I'm obsessed with my appearance, but because I want to be healthy and exercise is beneficial. Nelson Grab n Go is not helpful to my aspirations to remain healthy; nor is my class schedule that sometimes prevents me from going to Ping and getting in a real workout. Luckily, Seventeen is looking out for me and other girls like me and the weekly newsletter included a link to some videos that show simple, quick exercises that I can do in my dorm room if I don't have time to run all the way over to the rec center. 

Sunday, October 12, 2008

i am Yours

I told you in my last post that I was feeling the need to write. This was the product of that necessity. This is what I have to write about.

Here's what I'm learning. I'm excited about it. I want to share it with you. 

I am not my own. I do not belong to any other person. I am not of this world. I belong to the Lord. It is for freedom that Christ has set me free. That includes freedom from myself and who I used to be and who I am. I am no longer a slave to what I once was.

I've been hearing a song around our dorm room a lot lately called Who Am I by Casting Crowns. Listen to the words. Who am I? I am Yours. I have nothing to fear, not from the world, not from myself, because I am Yours. By myself, I'm nothing. I've done nothing to earn anything, but it was given to me. Purely through the love God has for me, I've been given an identity as a follower of Christ. I have the opportunity to serve the living God, the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, who was and is and is to come. I'm not bound to the frustration or entitlement or jealousy or bitterness or lack of trust or anything else that comes with being of this world. I belong to something greater, and I'm so freaking excited about that.

I've had to learn this before. I'll probably have to learn it again. But no matter what I go through or what lessons I have to learn, I am still the Lord's. Nothing can change that because nothing can separate me from the love of God. Ps check out Romans 8. I have nothing to fear. "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" - Jeremiah 29:11. Why would I fear anything? I am loved deeply and powerfully by the Creator of the universe. And that is what I will find my identity in.